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vocalist ♦️ artist ♦️ animator


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NameDate (MM/YY)LinkTypeMixer
Dancing Queen07/21LinkEN (soft)-
Rinne Tensei11/21LinkJPKai✮
Divine Damsel02/22LinkCN (soft)-
In the End05/22LinkEN-
Palette05/22LinkJP (soft)-

Note: Samples with (-) in the mix section have only been tuned/rough timed. Mic quality will be completely raw.


for a full playlist, click here

heart attack!
◎ Start: 3/7/23
◎ Finish: 1/8/23
◎ For: DDCB-R1, ♡BEAT
Hand in Hand
◎ Start: 4/3/23
◎ Stop: 26/3/24 - 15/4/24
◎ Finished: 27/4/24
◎ For: TDOV Chorus, 2024
◎ Start: 7/7/24
◎ Stop: 9/8/24 - 15/9/24, 22/9/24 - 15/10/24
◎ Finished: 30/10/24
Dalla Dalla
◎ Start: 26/10/22
◎ Finish: 27/11/22
◎ For: Smashing Diamonds Chorus Group
◎ Part(s): 1:06-1:38, 2:09-3:25
◎ Start: 10/5/23
◎ Finish: 23/5/23
◎ For: DDCB-R0, ♡BEAT
Secret Base
Start: 1/11/24
Finished: 29/11/24
For: production kawaii farewell




NameVocal CountLinkJob
Ring of Fortune4LinkTime/Tune
Changing Point6LinkTime/Tune
Fly Me to the Star10LinkTime/Tune
Hikaru Nara16LinkTime/Tune
Bloody Shadows3LinkTime/Tune
Sakura Mitsutsuki7LinkTime


I am aramis. I sing, animate, and draw! Although I'm not perfect, I'm certainly doing my best!My pronouns are he/him, and my vocal range is D3-A5!My current recording setup is an AT2020 XLR microphone with a Behringer UM2 interface. This setup has only been used since April 2020, so prior vocal works will not reflect that.Below is a table detailing my equipment and experience.

VocalsNov. 2017-AT2020 XLR
ArtSept. 2018SAI2HUION Q11K
AnimationJan. 2019AE CC2021-
TuningNov. 2018Melodne V4-


  • I reserve the right to turn down or terminate any commission for any reason.

  • All payments should be sent through Paypal in USD.

  • If I am unable to complete your commission, you will receive a full refund of any payment already made.

  • Finished commissions are not refundable.

  • You will receive periodic WIPs in the form of screencaps/screen recordings. Bring up any revisions right away. Major revisions after the first few days of work may incur an extra charge.

  • Do not under any circumstances bring up my Paypal account name. It is not something that should be thrown around lightly, and failure to comply with this condition will result in a block with no questions asked. This is a serious matter and is not to be taken lightly.

  • For banners and animation, I do not provide the art.

  • Anything I add by my own volition will not be charged for (i.e. deciding on my own to add puppeting)

  • When commissioning, please contact me through Twitter (@aramusical) or Discord with the following information: your name, the type of commission you want (using the names provided on each respective page), and any references or other information.

  • Payment must be made in full before I deliver the final product; any point during the working time is fine, but you will not be given full resolution files until payment is received and confirmed.

  • Unless otherwise requested, I retain full rights to work on your project on stream.

  • Resale of my work (i.e. Live2D models) is permitted __only if you obtain my express permission__. Specifics can be discussed privately.

  • Please note that Paypal requests/invoices will be sent as friends/family; previous attempts to convert it to a business account have ended in disaster. I apologize for any inconvenience.

I have read and agreed to all terms and conditions